Roses are red
Violets are, um, violet
The weather in Arizona
is awfully quiet
Persistent high pressure
with highs pretty high
unrelenting sunshine
with a pretty blue sky
Coffee outside
is still a nice treat
with lows in the 70s
pretty hard to beat
What’s a Tucsonan to do
when September is like May
drink lots of water
and like Mom said, go outside and play!
Thanx for putting up with my cheesy rhyme. Monsoon 2018 hasn’t ghosted us completely yet. She may return to us next week! A 20% chance for storms on Wednesday! Until then our streak of 100+ degree days continues. 102 today. 104 tomorrow! (the record is 107 so…) 103 Saturday. 100ish Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 20% Wednesday 98.